Auf der Suche nach Wahrheit.
Wo führen uns die Spuren hin?

Begib Dich auf eine Reise. Die Reise erfordert ein wahrhaftiges Interesse, die Wahrheit aufspüren zu wollen. Sie ist eine Lebensaufgabe. Und es geht um unser Leben.
Komm mit...

Personal Development

One of the pillars of success is the openness for life-long learning and being capable of reflecting on one's self to be able to see the need for one's own personal development in order to grow in all areas of life.

Business Acumen

A very important skill in life is to understand the basics of a business and why certain business endeavors fail while others succeed. This thinking will be beneficial for any kind of income-earning activity.

Sales and (Online) Marketing

We do that everyday: sell ourselves. Mostly without thinking about it. But we can all get great value out of starting to understand how the selling process works and where we can improve it - not just in business.